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Triangle’s Response to COVID-19

Triangle, Inc. cares deeply about the health and well-being of our participants and staff.  In that spirit, all Triangle, Inc. programs are following state guidelines on how/when to re-open its various locations and programs.  Check-in with your Triangle contact or email with any questions you may have!

Please see our recent blog posts below for more information.

  • #GivingTuesday: A Parent’s Reflection on a Special Birthday
    This post was contributed by Dan Cherney, the father of Triangle Day Program participant and a resident in one of Triangle’s homes. Click here to make your #GivingTuesday donation to support our residential program! It was in the heart of COVID and the quarantine when Anthony’s 30th birthday came around in […]
  • The Bashers Are Back!
    When the pandemic hit in 2020, the Bashers, Triangle’s Special Olympics softball team, had to call off their season. Normally, every spring and summer, program participants from different Triangle sites come together for weekly practices and a yearly tournament. The laughter, exercise, and friendships are a huge part of the […]
  • Triangle Group Spreads Positivity
    Since the start of the pandemic, the team at Triangle has prioritized spreading positivity in the community. This began soon after programming went remote last Spring with a weekly Power of Positivity group meeting on Tuesday evenings. The group of roughly 20 program participants comes together, led by Chief Program […]
  • Triangle’s CEO Reflects on a Unique Year!
    Remember how excited we all were to start the new decade?  January of 2020 started off promising.  Here at Triangle, we were one year away from our 50th year of operations.  We had just opened our new facility in Salem to replace a nearby older site that had seen better days.  […]
  • How EPIC Adapted Their Service Warrior Program for 2021!
    EPIC Service Warriors is the only community service and education program for youth with disabilities between the ages of 16-23 in New England. EPIC Founder and Executive Director Jeff Lafata-Hernandez had to make some changes in order to continue to work with youth from the greater Boston and Worcester areas […]
  • COVID-19 Questions with Melissa Strout
    As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout continues in Triangle’s residential program and across the country, many individuals have questions about the immunizations. Since finding a reliable and trustworthy source of information can be difficult, we decided to ask our Chief Integrity Officer, Melissa Strout, a few frequently asked questions that many […]
  • Triangle’s Virtual Spirit Awards
    Every year, the Triangle community comes together for our annual Spirit Awards to celebrate the many accomplishments of our participants, staff, and community partners. With a community that is spread out across Salem, Randolph, Malden, and our nine residential homes, this event has always provided a wonderful opportunity for Triangle […]
  • Triangle Women’s Group Collaborates with IMPACT Boston
    Throughout the month of December, we are highlighting stories of how we have worked together to be a stronger community and get through the difficult days of the pandemic – together we are Triangle. This week, we’re sharing the collaboration between IMPACT Boston and Triangle’s Women’s Group. One benefit of […]
  • Ralph’s Story
    Throughout the month of December, we are highlighting stories of how we have worked together to be a stronger community and get through the difficult days of the pandemic – together we are Triangle. This week, we have the amazing success story of a program participant from our Salem location. […]
  • A Guardian’s Perspective – Janice S.
    Throughout the month of December, we are highlighting stories of how we have worked together to be a stronger community and get through the difficult days of the pandemic – together we are Triangle. This week, we caught up with Janice, the guardian of a program participant, and learned about […]
  • A Guardian’s Story
    This November, leading up to #GivingTuesday, we are highlighting different aspects of our residential program. This week, we caught up with Maria, a guardian and sister of an individual who lives in a Triangle residence and also attends Triangle Day programming. She gave us an update on how things have […]
  • Meet our Heroes Behind the Mask!
    This month we’ve been highlighting our residential workers who have gone above and beyond on our social media. We want to show you who these heroes are behind the mask! Frank from our residence on Lawrence Street enjoyed having the opportunity to help out our program participants. He wanted to […]
  • November Residential Series: Making Cards for Warriors!
    This November, leading up to #GivingTuesday, we are highlighting different aspects of our residential program. This week, we’re telling the story of how one house continues to give back to the community, even during the pandemic. Operation Warming Hearts is a nonprofit organization dedicated to uplifting and bringing positivity and […]
  • November Residential Series: Eric’s Story
    This November, leading up to #GivingTuesday, we are highlighting different aspects of our residential program. This week, we’re telling the story of one guardian whose brother had COVID-19. Gig, brother to Triangle resident Eric, has felt confident in his brother’s living situation since he moved into a Triangle residence in […]
  • Triangle Program Update – August 2020
    Triangle Day Programs and Supported Employment Programs at Malden Main Street, Malden Pearl Street, Randolph, and Salem are all currently open at limited capacity. Through an hybrid model, our dedicated staff members also continue to support other participants through online programming, mailing activity packets, and, new this summer, Triangle After […]
  • HiSET Testing Now Available at Triangle Test Centers in Salem and Malden
    Triangle, Inc. has received emergency authorization to open its newly created Testing Centers in our Malden (at our new Workforce Development location on Pleasant Street) and Salem locations. These two test centers have been approved to provide emergency testing services during the ongoing pandemic. Each testing terminal is separated by […]
  • Reopening Information for Triangle Programs
    Triangle received guidance from the state on July 2 about resuming programming upon completing several safety protocols and providing staff trainings throughout the month of July. We have made tremendous progress on these benchmarks and have been working diligently with our many partners to ensure that our participants have a […]
  • Massachusetts Guidance About Opening Day Program Service Sites
    Triangle has received the Massachusetts order regarding services provided in congregate settings by EOHSS day programs – which includes our four Supported Employment and Community-Based Day Program locations in Malden (2), Randolph, and Salem. This order authorizes agencies to resume programming upon completing several safety protocols and providing staff trainings […]
  • End of Year Update – Please Support the Fund for Ability!
    I have always believed that difficult times bring out the best of people.  And, we are certainly living in some very challenging times! As we approach the end of the fiscal year, we have been overwhelmed by the support we’ve received from our larger Triangle family. Since launching the Fund […]
  • Triangle Statement on FY21 Budget and Expense Reduction Measures
    Triangle, Inc. is navigating one of the most difficult situations in our organization’s history as we continue to provide services to individuals with disabilities and students in our programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. We made the decision to move all of our programs online.  We knew that the people in […]
  • How Our Clinical Team is Supporting Program Participants Now!
    The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has touched virtually everyone, including people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who rely upon Triangle’s programs for support. The hard decision to suspend day programming in March in order to keep our community safe was especially difficult because we  understood the vital need for continued support […]
  • Triangle Provides Local Legislators with a Program Update!
    On Tuesday, May 12th, Triangle, Inc. held a briefing for its state legislative delegation to provide an update on how it has transitioned all major services to remote learning to serve individuals with disabilities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Triangle CEO Coleman Nee also reviewed the organization’s decision making timeline since […]
  • IMPACT Transitions Programming Online!
    Below is the fifth entry in our blog series on how Triangle programs are modifying programs during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. When your organization’s work mainly consists of hands-on participation in life-like role playing scenarios, moving your programming online is a daunting challenge. This was the scenario facing IMPACT Boston, […]
  • Triangle’s Culinary Exploration Program Quickly Pivots Online
    Below is the fourth entry in our blog series on how Triangle programs are modifying programs for individuals with disabilities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We are proud to continue meeting our mission and have established Triangle, Inc.’s Fund for Ability that will help guarantee the continuation of our services now and […]
  • Triangle Receives Innovative Collaboration Award from ADDP!
    Yesterday, April 29th, 2020, would have been the day that Triangle, Inc. received the Innovative Collaboration Award at the Annual Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers Lead! Conference. The award was designed to honor an organization that harnessed the power of people working together to affect positive change. Triangle received the […]
  • Thank you from Triangle CEO, Coleman Nee.
    Hi, I’m Coleman Nee, CEO of Triangle. As our team of dedicated direct-care professionals continues to support individuals with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to say thank you to our larger Triangle community and especially to our Triangle families. We’ve received generous donations of PPE, cleaning supplies, gift […]
  • Triangle’s Day Programming Shifts Online!
    Below is the third entry in our blog series on how Triangle programs are modifying programs for individuals with disabilities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We are proud to continue meeting our mission and have established Triangle, Inc.’s Fund for Ability that will help guarantee the continuation of our services now and […]
  • Initial Mobile Testing Results and Update
    Earlier this week, Triangle’s residential program was able to access mobile testing made available by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to test individuals in homes that have been in contact with a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. After receiving the results of those tests, Triangle now has 20 individuals […]
  • A Message from Triangle Board Member, Jessica Black
    Dear Triangle community, Tonight, we would have come together for our largest annual fundraising event, Celebrate. It is a special time for my family each year as we recognize an inclusive business leader with the Stan Black Award, named for my father who was one of the founders of Triangle […]
  • COVID-19 Update
    Triangle, Inc. has unfortunately confirmed three cases of COVID-19 among individuals living in our residential homes, and an additional five confirmed cases among our dedicated staff. Because we knew this pandemic would likely arrive at our doorsteps as it became more widespread, we had designed thoughtful contingency plans that were […]
  • Workforce Development Transitions to Virtual Programming!
    Below is the second entry in our blog series on how Triangle is modifying programs for individuals with disabilities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We are proud to continue meeting our mission and have established Triangle, Inc.’s Fund for Ability that will help guarantee the continuation of our services now […]
  • Triangle Launches Fund for Ability
    The Fund will provide general operating support as the organization continues to serve people with disabilities. In recent weeks, Triangle, Inc. has continued to meet its mission each day by providing supportive care and innovative programming to 43 people in our nine residential homes, teaching hundreds of students with disabilities […]
  • An Update from Triangle CEO Coleman Nee
    This update is to keep the larger Triangle, Inc. community notified of all items related to COVID-19 and the steps we are taking to support our dedicated staff members and the people who we serve.  Unfortunately, Triangle learned over the weekend that one of our staff members has tested positive […]
  • How EPIC has Pivoted to Virtual Programming!
    Below is the first entry in our blog series on how Triangle programs are modifying programs for individuals with disabilities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. EPIC (Empowering People for Inclusive Communities) is a community-based service learning program that normally includes support groups, in-person meetings, and service projects. When the need […]
  • An Update Regarding Triangle Day Program Suspension and Employee Policies
    Before providing a program update, I want to publicly offer my thanks to our dedicated staff for all that they are doing to support individuals in our programs and their families during this difficult period.  While our day program sites are physically closed, Triangle staff members continue to provide support […]
  • You Can Help Triangle’s Residences Stay Stocked on Supplies!
    Update 4/23/2020 – The products listed in bold are our current greatest needs. While many people are working from home and avoiding going out during these uncertain times, our residential direct care staff have continued to show up and support our residents. They are still taking care of Triangle’s individuals, […]

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