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Triangle Statement on FY21 Budget and Expense Reduction Measures

Published by Coleman Nee on

Triangle, Inc. is navigating one of the most difficult situations in our organization’s history as we continue to provide services to individuals with disabilities and students in our programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. We made the decision to move all of our programs online.  We knew that the people in our programs were going to continue to need our encouragement, support, and services during a time of extreme isolation. The frontline workers who continued to work in our nine residential homes and in the community received enhanced hazard pay and overtime as they carried out our mission. We are very proud that we were able to continue to provide these services and thank our dedicated staff members who overcame every barrier they encountered. It was our goal to continue to keep our entire Triangle team together through the remainder of the fiscal year and then move forward once we had greater certainty on our future state contracts as we begin a new fiscal year on July 1st

Unfortunately, the forecast on our state contracts, which account for more than 80 percent of our overall revenue, indicate that we will be facing even greater cuts than previously indicated.  Additionally, service providers like Triangle have not been given any formal guidance as to when our day programs and supported employment services will be able to resume.  School contracts have been cut as our district partners face their own budget shortfalls. And last, we have been informed that online programming, despite receiving glowing reviews from our partners and families, will not be allowed to be billed at the same rates as in-person programming – which has negative effects on both our current and upcoming fiscal years.

Because of this, Triangle is expecting significant revenue shortages. Our budget will need to shrink by more than 10 percent in the year ahead and will include cost saving measures such as layoffs, furloughs, and managerial pay cuts. These reductions and cuts will touch each level and all programs across the agency. We have also cut as many non-personnel-related expenses as possible while still being able to maintain our operations into the future. While we hoped we could keep our entire organization together while we waited for the day when all of our programs can safely resume, the economic forecast of our current environment will simply not allow for that to happen. We still expect and look forward to the day when we will be fully reopened and fully staffed.  

Starting June 5th, we have notified all employees, managers, and administrative workers if they will be affected by our budget reduction measures. We are following the requirements of our Collective Bargaining Agreement as it relates to reduction in force. We did not come by this decision lightly and are only resorting to such drastic measures to ensure that we can continue to serve the individuals in our programs once we can fully reopen. Triangle employees who have questions or concerns should contact HR Director, Janice Grassia.  Questions from any of our families, the media, or community members seeking comment or information from Triangle should be directed to our general email inquiry line at and we will have the appropriate party reach out to you as soon as possible.

Categories: COVID-19

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