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COVID-19 Update

Published by Coleman Nee on

Triangle, Inc. has unfortunately confirmed three cases of COVID-19 among individuals living in our residential homes, and an additional five confirmed cases among our dedicated staff. Because we knew this pandemic would likely arrive at our doorsteps as it became more widespread, we had designed thoughtful contingency plans that were approved by local boards of health and all appropriate state agencies. Over the weekend, we enacted those plans. We want you all to know the following action steps that have been taken:

  • All residents who have tested positive are continuing to receive dedicated care, and Triangle has been communicating actively with their families.
  • All staff members who have tested positive are currently in their homes. Triangle is checking in with all of these individuals and providing them support, including grocery and supply delivery.
  • Triangle had maintained careful logs of all staff members working in our homes over the past several weeks. All staff members who worked in a home with either a staff member or resident who later tested positive have been contacted. These individuals will now self-isolate in their homes for 14 days and were strongly encouraged to reach out to their primary care physician for any recommended next steps. These individuals will also receive their full pay and benefits during this time.
  • All residential homes that were affected now have a core staff of individuals who will be staying at these homes for the next two weeks. This is a tremendous sacrifice being made by these individuals, all of whom raised their hands to take on this duty. Their dedication to the individuals in our care is extraordinary. Triangle will be offering additional support to these staff members’ families while their loved ones are working in our homes.
  • Triangle has accessed mobile testing units provided by the state to get all residents and staff members from affected homes tested. A majority of these tests have already been completed.
  • Triangle has communicated all of this information to the entire staff of the organization and encouraged any team member to contact their supervisor, human resources, or Melissa Strout, our Chief Integrity Officer, if they have any concerns or questions.

We will continue to update the larger Triangle community as the situation progresses. Again, we thank all of our dedicated professionals for their commitment to the individuals who we serve.

Categories: COVID-19

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