Initial Mobile Testing Results and Update

Published by Coleman Nee on

Earlier this week, Triangle’s residential program was able to access mobile testing made available by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to test individuals in homes that have been in contact with a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. After receiving the results of those tests, Triangle now has 20 individuals – ten residents and ten staff members – who have tested positive. Mobile testing provided us with a crucial tool to further support our homes during the pandemic and will allow our carefully developed contingency plans to be bolstered with more certainty. We will be testing additional homes in the coming days to ensure that we have the proper plans in place for each person in our care.

As previously mentioned in our updates to staff members, the families of our residents, and the larger Triangle community, our safety plans were developed weeks before any confirmed cases in our homes. These contingency plans were approved by municipal boards of health. We have continued to be in touch with those officials as well as DDS and the Department of Public Health with each new case. The steps that dedicated Triangle staff members have taken so far have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our families. As the situation unfolds, we will continue to follow our plans and take the advice of experts at both the local and state level.

Steps we have taken:

  • All residents who have tested positive are continuing to receive dedicated care, and Triangle has been communicating actively with their families.
  • All staff members who have tested positive are currently in quarantine. Triangle is actively communicating with these individuals and supporting their families to ensure their unique needs are being met.
  • All staff members who worked in a home with either a staff member or resident who later tested positive have been contacted. Many of these individuals have been or will be tested through the mobile testing unit.
  • We had previously encouraged each person to reach out to their primary care physician for any recommended next steps.
  • Triangle has communicated all of this information to the entire staff and encouraged any team member to contact their supervisor, human resources, or Melissa Strout, our Chief Integrity Officer, if they have any concerns or questions.

We will continue to update the larger Triangle community as the situation progresses. Again, we thank all of our dedicated professionals for their commitment to the individuals who we serve.

Categories: COVID-19

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