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Another Successful Annual Celebration in the books!

Published by Zoe Campbell on

On Wednesday, May 8th, Triangle, Inc. held its 48th Annual Awards Ceremony & Fundraiser, Celebrate, at the JFK Library & Museum in Dorchester. Nearly 200 guests, staff members, and participants came together to raise more than $130,000 in support of all of our programs. Event sponsors included Brookline Bank, Combined Properties, Clarks, State Street, Eastern Bank, Ipswitch, JB Hunt, CFG Brokerage Network, and, our presenting sponsor, the TJX Companies. Additional support and outreach was provided by our dedicated board members, many of whom donated silent auction items, solicited sponsorships, helped present awards, and/or brought their personal friends to the event to introduce them to Triangle’s important work.

The event started with an extended period of food and networking, allowing guests to make new connections and learn more about our programs directly from Triangle, Inc.’s staff and participants. After wonderful opening remarks from our event emcee, Lauren Beckham Falcone from WROR’s Loren and Wally Show, our board president Mike Moran thanked everyone in attendance for their support. Afterwards, Triangle CEO Coleman Nee opened up the ceremony to honor this year’s awardees- Mayor Gary Christenson of Malden, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Robert DeLeo, and the Henderson School Peer IMPACT Leaders. Each awardee gave a passionate speech that highlighted their dedication to the Triangle community, and guests had the opportunity to learn about the hard-working people who make our organization successful.

After all the tables have been cleared and auction items collected, we are left with a strong sense of gratitude to the people who continue to support the organization. For the past 48 years, members of the community have stepped up to ensure that Triangle can continue to provide the best possible care to people of all abilities.

If you missed the event this year, we encourage you to follow us on social media and join our email list to get news on our next exciting event.

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