Meet the 2019 Stan Black Business Leader of the Year!
This month, leading up to our Annual Celebration in May, we’ll be featuring the recipients of each of our awards on our blog! You can stay up-to-date by checking in every Wednesday.
Every year at Celebrate: Triangle, Inc.’s Annual Awards Ceremony and Fundraiser, we honor a strong business partner that has shown dedication to the mission of helping people with disabilities with the Stan Black Business Leader of the Year Award. This year, we chose to give the award to Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, in recognition of their role as a strong partner to multiple Triangle initiatives, as well as their steadfast devotion to improving the lives of the community that we serve.
As a leader in the field, Spaulding is nationally recognized for its innovation and dedication to improving quality of life for persons recovering from or learning to live fully with illness, injury, and disability. Spaulding has collaborated closely with Triangle on a number of pioneering programs that have successfully expanded opportunities for people with disabilities across Massachusetts.
Triangle and Spaulding’s partnership first took shape through the Health Careers Collaborative, a joint initiative that equips chronically unemployed adults with disabilities with the skills necessary to develop successful careers as Certified Nurse Assistants or Home Health Aides. Spaulding took part in the planning and development of the program, and now serves as the primary employment partner for the project. Spaulding helps to interview and screen candidates during the recruitment phase of the program and hosts internships at their facilities following credentialed training. A number of the graduates have continued on to a job at Spaulding following their graduation from the program, including two students who just started orientation in December 2018.
This award celebrates the memory of successful business leader and lifelong advocate, Stan Black. Stan was a strong supporter of Triangle, and he prioritized improving the lives of people with disabilities. From his own experience, Stan understood that having a career is essential to independence and personal empowerment. This award honors a business leader whose vision, passion, and commitment to the Triangle, Inc. mission has improved the lives of people with all abilities.
Join us on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for Celebrate: Triangle’s 48th Annual Awards Ceremony and Fundraiser. Click here for tickets and sponsorship information!