November Residential Series: Profile of John P.
This November, in the lead-up to #GivingTuesday, we are highlighting different aspects of our residential program. This week, we are profiling Triangle, Inc. resident, John P.!

From the moment I meet John, he has a smile on his face and it is immediately apparent why he won a Spirit Award this year. Staff members at his home on Cornell Road all comment on how he loves to be around people. Even if he is just quietly enjoying the company of his roommates or the staff, John prefers to spend his time supporting the people around him. As I chat with him and ask him questions, he is eager to answer and get to know me as well.
John is originally from Beverly, Massachusetts, and moved into Triangle’s home on Cornell Road in 2004. Over the past 15 years, he has developed a close bond with his housemates. He loves watching wrestling with his housemate Mark, playing video games with two other housemates, and hanging out with staff members in the office while they work. As a big Patriots fan, John enjoys watching all the games and his room is full of Boston sports memorabilia. His current goal is to save up enough money to go to a local sports game and see his favorite players in person.
When John is not watching sports, he enjoys participating in them. During the past two summers, he completed Triangle’s Piers Park sailing program in East Boston, where he took on Boston Harbor to learn basics and water safety. He spoke of already missing the warm weather and the ability to spend time on the water. John spends a lot of time with his mother, who lives in Beverly, and told me with excitement about his upcoming visit to her this weekend. He loves driving around, and will often go along for the ride when one of his housemates has an appointment. He attends programming during the day at a local service provider in Lynn. An avid music fan, John loves rock and roll music and listens on the radio and on a tablet.
John recently received an award from the Northeast Region of the Department of Developmental Services for exemplifying ideals of self-determination and for his personal accomplishments. He attended the DDS Evening of Recognition, and proudly showed me his award when I visited him. It is evident that everyone around him feels his compassion and kindness, and John goes out of his way to care for the people in his life. He truly embodies the spirit of Triangle!