November Residential Series: A Day in the Life, Part 1.

Published by Zoe Campbell on

Day in the Life: Bancroft Rd Home

This November, leading up to #GivingTuesday, we will be highlighting different aspects of our residential program!

In a cheerfully painted red home on Bancroft Road in Melrose, four men go about their usual routines, focusing on their wide variety of interests, hobbies, and passions. Every room in the house is painted and decorated to each resident’s personal preference, and their individuality shines through. One room is covered in wall-to-wall Yankees memorabilia, while another is decked out with Red Sox décor. Thankfully, sporting rivalries aside, the residents, along with several Triangle, Inc. staff members, work together to sustain a clean, well-kept home.

Triangle has ten residential homes in several Metro North and North Shore communities. Supports are designed around each person’s level of independence and personal priorities, balancing companionship with privacy. More than just a place to live and cook meals, Triangle’s residences represent home to the many individuals who live in them.

All of Triangle’s residences are well-integrated into the local community. Gamelin Bernier, the house manager at Bancroft Road, emphasizes the close relationship they have with their neighbors, who will often bake and bring over treats for the residents, and end up staying to chat. Additionally, this location in Melrose provides ample opportunities for the residents to take advantage of a wide range of sports leagues, teams, and clubs.

We visited the house on Bancroft Road to chat with the residents and staff members, and to get a picture of what a typical day looks like.


Day in the Life:

8:00am: All four of the residents at Bancroft Road work Monday through Friday at a variety of jobs, including Mobil Gas, a food bank, and a landscaping company. As a result, the mornings are a flurry of activity as they hustle to get ready and head out the door to work. Most of the residents are up and making themselves breakfast bright and early. By 8 or 8:30, they are picked up by their respective transportation, and heading in separate directions.

Between 8am & 3:30pm: All the residents are working hard at their jobs, and the home is quiet. Everyone eats lunch at their workplaces, opting between bringing leftovers or buying food.

3:30pm: As the workday winds down, the residents begin to make their way back to the house via their different modes of transportation after a full day out. Members of the staff greet them as they return and settle in, putting their belongings away. There is a snack waiting, which some residents choose to eat as soon as they arrive back home. Every individual has their own routine and preference for how to spend their free time in the afternoon and evening. Some residents venture out with friends or family immediately upon their return to the house, while others stick around.

Stay tuned next week for part 2 in our day in the life at Bancroft Road to see what a typical evening and night look like! And check back throughout the month for more stories from our residential program, as we lead up to #GivingTuesday!

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