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November Residential Series: First Aid Training!

Published by Zoe Campbell on

This November, leading up to #GivingTuesday, we are highlighting different aspects of our residential program. This week, we are highlighting how some of our residents gain even more independence!

Triangle, Inc.’s residential homes are more than just a place for shelter and meals. The residents have countless opportunities to grow and learn in order to work towards their individual goals. Between outings, trainings, and various activities in the community, Triangle residents are constantly challenging themselves.

One way that many Triangle residents empower themselves is through home alone training. Triangle’s home alone training gives residents the opportunity to stay at the residences without any helpers or staff. Upon receiving their certificates, individuals can enjoy an even higher level of independence.

Recently, four homes and ten residents participated in an adapted American Heart Association First Aid Training. All of the individuals who joined either have a home alone waiver or are working towards obtaining it. During this class, they discussed recognizing and responding to an injury or emergency at home, work, or in the community. Topics included the treatment and prevention of a bloody nose, broken bone, cut, choking, unconsciousness, or burn. They tackled knowing when a 911 call is necessary, and how to keep himself or herself safe. The residents all handled the class expertly, and left with a renewed sense of independence and confidence.

Trainings and continuing education are crucial to giving residents ample opportunities to learn and grow. The adapted American Heart Association First Aid Training is one example of how we encourage individuals to achieve their goals and broaden their horizons.

Do not forget that #GivingTuesday is Tuesday, December 3rd! Please consider donating to Triangle, Inc. to support our residential program – support a home, not a house!

Categories: Uncategorized

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