An Update from Triangle CEO Coleman Nee

Published by Coleman Nee on

This update is to keep the larger Triangle, Inc. community notified of all items related to COVID-19 and the steps we are taking to support our dedicated staff members and the people who we serve.  Unfortunately, Triangle learned over the weekend that one of our staff members has tested positive for the virus. We are supporting this individual and their family while they go through this difficult time connecting them with any needed resources.

All Triangle staff members have been notified. If any Triangle families have questions, they should reach out to their point-of-contact with the agency.  There will also be an opportunity to ask questions in the coming days as part of our weekly phone calls across our programs. Please know that this positive case does not pose a risk to any other Triangle staff member or individuals in our programs. We have notified the Department of Public Health and all other needed agencies including local boards of health and will take any recommended steps they provide to us. If any additional measures are recommended, we will be sure to take them.

Additional updates:

Our residential homes are continuing to provide 24/7 support to 43 individuals across our nine homes. If you would like to learn more about ways to support them, please read this blog post that contains a list of needed supplies for our homes as our statewide stay-at-home period stretches through the month of April. All other Triangle programs continue to operate through remote programming and weekly phone calls with the individuals we serve. To support our dedicated staff members as we continue to meet our mission of supporting individuals with disabilities through these unprecedented times, please consider making a donation here.  And if you don’t already, please sign up for our bi-weekly email updates here.

Categories: COVID-19

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