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Randolph Students Give Back!

Published by Zoe Campbell on

This December, during the season of giving, we’re highlighting how our program participants give back to the community. This week, we’re highlighting our program participants in Randolph!

Giving back to the community is a valuable part of the mission of each Triangle programming site. Both participants and staff members seek out opportunities to help out the communities that support and love Triangle. In Randolph, there are three prominent local volunteer opportunities that program participants take part in: the New England Wildlife Center in Weymouth, the Franklin Park Zoo, and the St. Vincent de Paul Society Thrift Store.

Everyone who attends Triangle programming in Randolph has the opportunity to participate in the volunteer opportunities. In order to give everyone who is interested a chance, there is a rotating group of 4-5 individuals each week. The program participants are not only giving back to their communities, but also working on developing valuable life skills. These regular volunteer opportunities are great for strengthening resumes, and are crucial building blocks towards employment for program participants.

The individuals who participate value the ability to get involved and give back to their community. One program participant, Lucas, stated: “I look forward to volunteering at the Franklin Park Zoo every month. This opportunity allows me to meet new people, learn new skills, and hang out with some of my favorite animals.” Another individual from Randolph High School, Pedro, recently started volunteering at the St. Vincent Society Thrift Store in Stoughton. He expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to showcase his organizational skills. The staff members that usually work with Pedro agreed with this sentiment, and pointed out that he has discovered a passion for fashion while exploring this opportunity.

Both Pedro and Lucas illustrate the immense value of volunteering – not only for the community, but for the program participants at Triangle as well. Giving back is important for people of all ability!

We encourage you to support participants like Pedro and Lucas through our end-of-year fundraising campaign.  Don’t forget that you can donate today and double your impact! All donations made to Triangle through December 31st will be matched by The Predictive index.

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