November Residential Series: A Day in the Life of the Staff at Cornell Road

Published by Zoe Campbell on

This November, leading up to #GivingTuesday, we are highlighting different aspects of our residential program. This week, we are profiling the staff members at Triangle, Inc.’s Cornell Road residence.

At Triangle’s residence on Cornell Road, staff members consistently go above and beyond in their daily roles. Visiting the house and observing their routines, it is apparent that they have the most hectic time of day down to a science. Around 3:30pm, the residents begin to return home from their respective day programming sites, and staff members jump into action, helping with showers, changing, and preparing dinner. Every person seems to know his or her role in the day-to-day activities as each resident arrives home. The staff chats with each other and catches up on their days with the residents, while helping wherever needed.

On the day that I visited the house, Julia, the house manager, is testing out a new razor that does not require water on one resident’s face, while another staff member is helping another resident shower. As each person arrives home, the staff greets him or her warmly and asks him or her about their days. After settling in for the afternoon, most residents either watch or listen to the television before dinner.

In the afternoon, Harry, a staff member who has been working at Cornell Road for 6 years, begins preparing dinner, which is different every day. I can already smell the (delicious) meal cooking by 4pm. Around 5pm, the staff and residents all gather around the table to eat dinner. Everyone takes turns preparing and cooking the meal together, and another staff member Rayo takes over the food preparation. A few residents require their meals to be blended, so a couple staff members also take care of that. The staff members are proud of their cooking, and the residents are all full of praise for their nightly meals.

After dinner and clean up, the staff begins preparing for bedtime. The residents can have their individual quiet time or hang out together, and all head to bed at different times. Once again, the staff members know exactly where to snap into action and know whom to assist without much discussion. The warm and kind relationship between the residents and the house staff is clear. Julia mentions that one of the residents, John, enjoys sitting with her while she is in the office working. Even if they are not chatting, he loves spending this quiet time with her. Julia and her staff clearly take pride in their everyday work with the residents, and their dedication illustrates how amazing our residential staff is! It is no surprise that that they won a Spirit Award this year in honor of their hard work.  

Do not forget that #GivingTuesday is Tuesday, December 3rd! Please consider donating to Triangle, Inc. to support our residential program – support a home, not a house!

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