November Residential Series: Day in the Life, Part 2.

Published by Zoe Campbell on

Day in the Life: Bancroft Road Home, Part 2.


This November, leading up to #GivingTuesday, we will be highlighting different aspects of our residential program! This is Part 2 of our look at a “Day in the Life” at Triangle, Inc.’s Bancroft Road home – you can read Part 1 here.

When we left off in our last post, all four residents had just returned home to Bancroft Road, after a full day of work. Now, let’s see what a typical evening and night looks like!

3:30-5:00pm: After returning home and getting comfortable, the residents work on their assigned chores. A rotating schedule helps them determine who does what chore on a given day, with tasks ranging from taking out the trash, to setting the table, to emptying or loading the dishwasher.

5:00pm: It’s dinner time! Staff members purchase the ingredients and prepare dinner with help from the residents, based on what has been planned out in advance. Meals vary from week to week, and some of the residents’ favorites include fish & chips and shepherd’s pie. Everyone who is home at dinner time eats together, and this nightly ritual affirms the sense of community amongst staff members and residents.

After dinner: After eating, residents help with clean-up, and then embark on their own adventures for the evening, choosing from a wide range of preferred activities. When asked, each resident had a long list of different leagues, clubs, and teams that they participate in. From guitar, basketball, golf, mini-golf, bowling, and sailing, every resident has their own interests that they choose to explore.

Once a week, in addition to their individual activities, residents get a 1-on-1 day with a preferred staff member. After dinner, they decide where they want to go, and what they want to do. One resident might opt to get some exercise at the local gym, while another might choose to get ice cream instead.

Depending on the day, some residents choose to spend their downtime visiting with family or friends. It is clear that no two days are the same for the residents at Bancroft Road!

8-10pm: Later in the evening, most residents spend time in their rooms, unwinding and preparing for bed. Since they all work during the week, everyone likes to get to sleep relatively early. Occasionally, some residents will stay up late for a movie or a particularly riveting Red Sox game, but otherwise, everyone is in bed by 10pm.

This concludes our 2-part look at a “Day in the Life” at our home on Bancroft Road. It was great getting an inside view of the hectic schedules of some of our residents! It is apparent how these houses have truly become home for the people living there.

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