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Meet the 2018 Celebration Honorees!

Published by Coleman Nee on

I’m excited to announce the 2018 honorees that will be recognized at Celebrate: Triangle, Inc.’s Annual Awards Ceremony and Fundraiser. The event will be held on Wednesday, May 2nd, in Smith Hall at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum on Columbia Point in Boston from 6 pm to 8 pm.

And the awardees are….


Stan Black Business Leader of the Year Award: CVS Health

This award honors CVS Health as a corporate leader in recognizing individuals with disabilities as a major part of their award-winning diversity and inclusion programs. In the past year, Triangle participants have completed more than 20 externships at CVS Pharmacy locations across the region, with eight staying on board as successful employees. Additionally, Triangle, Inc. and CVS Health recently collaborated on an innovative project design that will allow nearly 40 transition-aged youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities to explore retail careers through inclusive, supported group employment opportunities at multiple CVS Pharmacy locations, while also receiving career readiness training in order to build long-term retail careers throughout Eastern Massachusetts.

Carmella Gregorie Disability Advocate of the Year Award: Christine Griffin

This honor is in recognition of Christine’s career-long dedication to individuals with disabilities and her advocacy for inclusion in all facets of society. Christine served two stints as Executive Director of the Disability Law Center in Boston, a nonprofit group that advocates for the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the state’s society and economy. She is a Dorchester native and an Army veteran, and has served in high-ranking positions at the federal Office of Personnel Management, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services. Throughout her career, Christine’s work has touched nearly every facet of life for individuals with disabilities in the Commonwealth. This award is being presented to Christine in recognition of her efforts to empower people of all abilities to live safe, inclusive, and empowered lives.

Public Servants of the Year Award: Sen. Jason Lewis, Sen. Joan Lovely, Rep. Steven Ultrino, and Rep. Daniel Ryan

This honor is in recognition of the commitment that these four hard-working elected officials have shown to people with disabilities through their advocacy on Beacon Hill and their dedication to inclusion in their home districts.


For the first time, this annual celebration will take place at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. We will welcome local politicians and state leaders; major corporate funders such as Clarks Americas, The TJX Companies, Inc., and State Street; industry and community partners; and past honorees. This event is the largest generator of funds for Triangle programs annually. More information on how you can purchase tickets are available at

If you cannot join us at this year’s event, we hope that you’ll join us in spirit as we congratulate the 2018 honorees.

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