Resource Library

Please click the title sections below to find a list of resources. Please email us if you have any questions about Triangle, Inc.’s programs or services, or if you have suggestions for the resource library.

State Agencies

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB)
600 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111,
Phone: 617-727-5550    

MCB services individuals in Massachusetts who are legally blind by providing access to employment opportunities and social rehabilitation with the goal of increasing independence and self-determination.   

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (MCDHH)
600 Washington Street
Boston, MA 0211
Phone: 617-740-1600 
*Call MCDHH to request ASL Interpreter Services

MCDHH provides accessible communication, education, and advocacy to consumers and private and public entities so that programs, services, and opportunities throughout Massachusetts are fully accessible to persons who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
65 Sprague Street
Hyde Park, MA 02136
Phone: (617)-363-2900 

The Department of Developmental Services provides supports for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder to enhance opportunities to become fully engaged members of their community.

Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH)
25 Staniford Street
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-626-6000      

The Department of Mental Health, as the State Mental Health Authority, assures and provides access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individuals of all ages; enabling them to live, work and participate in their communities.

MassAbility (formerly Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission -MRC)
600 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111
Phone: (617) 204-3600

MassAbility (formerly MRC) provides services that break down barriers and empower people with disabilities to live life in their own terms. Our programs focus on training and employment, community living, and disability determination for federal benefit programs. We are change agents and community builders.

Independent Living Centers

To find the ILC that serves your city/town, visit

Ad Lib, Inc.
215 North Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: (413) 442-7047
TDD: (413) 442-7194

Boston Center For Independent Living (BCIL)
60 Temple Place
5th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Phone: (617) 338-6665
TDD: (617) 338-6661

Cape Organization For Rights Of The Disabled (CORD)
106 Bassett Lane
Hyannis, MA 02601
Phone: (508) 775-8300 or (800) 541-0282
TDD: (508) 775-8300
Fax: (508) 775-7022

Center For Living And Working, Inc.
484 Main Street, Suite 345
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 798-0350 or (800) 570-4020
TDD: (508) 755-1003
Fax: (508) 797-4015

Independence Associates, Inc.
141 Main Street, Frist Floor
Brockton, MA 02301
Phone: (508) 583-2166 or (800) 649-5568
TDD: (508) 583-2165
Fax: (508) 583-2165

Disability Resource Center
27 Congress Street, Suite 107
Salem, MA 01970
Phone: (978) 741-0077
TDD: (978) 741-1133

Metrowest Center For Independent Living
280 Irving Street
Framingham, MA 01702
Phone: (508) 875-7853
TDD: (508) 875-7853
Fax: (508) 875-8359

Northeast Independent Living Program, Inc. (NILP)
20 Ballard Road
Lawrence, MA 01843-1018
Phone: (978) 687-4288
TDD: (978) 689-4488

Southeast Center For Independent Living, Inc.
Merrill Building
66 Troy Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Phone: (508) 679-9210
TDD: (508) 677-2377

Stavros Center For Independent Living
210 Old Farm Road
Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: (413) 256-0473
TDD: (413) 256-0473
Fax: (413) 256-0190


Benefits Counseling

Work Without Limits Benefits Counseling and Project IMPACT
People Served: SSI, SSDI, SNAP, EAEDC, TAFDC and HUD beneficiaries
Services: Both programs offer free and confidential benefits counseling and analysis on how work income can impact all types of public cash and healthcare benefits.
Work Without Limits Phone: 1-877-937-9675
Work Without Limits Counties Served: Berkshire; Franklin; Hampden; Hampshire; Middlesex; Worcester
Project IMPACT Phone: 1-800-734-7475
Project IMPACT Counties Served: Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, and Suffolk

People Served: Medicare and/or MassHealth members in Massachusetts
Services: Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone (SHINE) provides free public health insurance information, counseling and assistance as well as advice on receiving both public and employer-sponsored health insurance
Phone: 1-800-AGE-INFO (1-800-243-4636) and press 3

Assistive Technology

Easter Seals Technology and Training Center
89 South Street
Boston, MA 02111
Phone: 617-226-2634 or 800-244-2756 x634

Residents of Massachusetts can visit Easter Seals’ centers to learn about, try out, and borrow assistive technology, free of charge, for 30 days. Hundreds of devices are available in the areas of communication, education, hearing and vision impairment, and daily living.

Guardianship in MA

Guardianship | Guardianship is a legal process that gives the guardian authority to care for and to make decisions on behalf of another. Learn about the legal process of guardianship, the role of a guardian, and how to get help with filing for guardianship.

Transition from School to Adulthood

DDS Turning 22 Services | Information about transitioning from school into the DDS adult service system.

MRC Transition Services For Students and Youth | If you are 14 and older, MRC has many services to help you prepare for work, get a job, gain leadership skills and live on your own.

Secondary Transition – Special Education | DESE: For Massachusetts students receiving special education services, Secondary Transition is a time that begins when they turn 14 (or earlier, if the IEP team agrees). From age 14 until they graduate or turn 22, students on IEPs receive transition services from their public school districts.

General Disability Resources

Institute for Community Inclusion: ICI provides training, technical assistance, service, research, and information sharing, with a focus on ending disability-based discrimination and exclusion, and building the capacity of communities to sustain all their citizens. We help people with disabilities find the information they need.

MASS (Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong): Our mission at MASS is to empower self-advocates through education so we make choices that improve and enrich our lives.

Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)

What is PBS?

A systematic, person-centered approach to understanding the reasons for behavior and applying evidence-based practices for prevention, proactive intervention, teaching and responding to behavior, with the goal of achieving meaningful social outcomes, increasing learning and enhancing the quality of life across the lifespan. PBS is a three-tiered system that includes Universal Supports, Targeted Supports, and Intensive Supports, as defined in 115 CMR 5.14(5).

Click here to learn more.

DDS PBS Regulations

PBS Resources

  • PBS Action Plan Template – Positive Behavior Support Action Plan
  • Positive Behavior Supports, Behavior Safety Plan, Guidance for Providers Implementing Positive Behavior Supports, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, 2022, V. 2
  • Positive Behavior Supports, Debriefing for Individuals and Staff Following Emergency Restraint, Guidance for Providers Implementing Positive Behavior Supports, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, 2022, V. 1
  • Positive Behavior Supports, PBS Leadership Team, Guidance for Providers Implementing Behavior Support, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, 2022 – V. 1
  • Positive Behavior Supports, Peer Review, Guidance for Providers Implementing Positive Behavior Supports, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, 2022, V. 1
  • Positive Behavior Supports, Universal Tier of Supports, Guidance for Providers Implementing Positive Behavior Supports, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, 12/06/2022, V. 1
Inclusive Language: Quick Reference Guide

Triangle, Inc.’s Disability Justice Task Force (DJTF) was formed to address injustices and inequalities brought about by ableism. One of the foundational initiatives of the DJTF was to produce a shared language manual to ensure the use of language that is inclusive and promotes dignity.

Click here to view this guide online.

Click here to download a PDF version.

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