What is Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services)?
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) offer vocational trainings and opportunities that provide awareness, exploration, and preparation for students (ages 14-22), readying them for the workforce and/ or higher education.
Triangle provides Pre-ETS two ways. Ideally, we will reach students in their classroom during their school day. Some however are not able to participate during their school day. To be more accessible we also provide trainings outside of school hours.
- In school training model: Triangle will bring its training to your school by working with school staff to schedule cohorts. This often looks a six-week training series provided once a week during a time students are available. If you are an interested teacher, please reach out to Corey Grant (click here to email).
- Outside of school training model: Triangle offers trainings after school, over school vacation weeks and during summer vacation. This may look like a training series being provided late afternoon over Zoom, or an in-person training series done over a school vacation week. Triangle also offers one off events whether in person or over Zoom. See our after-school schedule here.
Get on our email list as events are added throughout the year and to receive reminders for upcoming trainings – click here to sign up.
Pre-ETS are made up of five components: Work Readiness Training, Job Exploration Counseling, Self-Advocacy Training, Counseling in Post-Secondary Education, and Work-Based Learning Experiences.

Work Readiness Training, which is focused on building soft skills (transferable, foundational skills) that are important for success in any job.
- Work Readiness Training Tier 1, focused on soft skills needed to be employable.
- Communication
- Professionalism
- Work Readiness Training Tier 2, focused on skills needed to land the job.
- Interview Preparation
- Resume Writing Overview
- Work Readiness Training Tier 3, focused on skills needed to maintain and advance on the job.
- Navigating the Job
- Scheduling
- Workplace Etiquette
- Conflict Resolution
Trainings focus on: exploring hard vs. soft skills and the importance of soft skills, defining communication and professionalism, practicing communication skills in professional settings through role playing, making first impressions, interview preparation, resume writing, etc.

Job Exploration Counseling, which is focused on helping students determine what they may want to do for work based off their interest, skillset, experience, and preferred environment while considering qualifications and the labor market.
Trainings focus on: exploring interests, skills, and experiences in relation to work, interest/ vocational inventories, job zones lessons (qualifications), labor market research, and goal setting and planning.

Self-Advocacy Training, which is focused on student empowerment, and is designed to help students find their voice, gain independence, and learn what it means to be a strong self-advocate, along with taking responsibility for their choices.
Trainings focus on: how to ask for help and when, the difference between wants, needs and rights, identity and existing in the workplace, disability rights, and accommodations in the workplace and post-secondary education.

Counseling in Post-Secondary Education, which is focused on providing awareness and exposure on higher education options, as well as on the transition from high school to higher education and the important differences between each. Triangle also offers a training series focused on building soft skills necessary for success in higher education.
Trainings focus on: introduction to post-secondary education, navigating resources and accommodations in post-secondary education, navigating the college application process and financial aid, presentations and tours from colleges and trade schools.
Five hours of soft skill training focused on skills needed for success in higher education: interpersonal skills, setting and respecting boundaries, problem solving, decision making, organization, time management, and professional and efficient email writing.

Work-Based Learning Experiences, which are designed to allow students to practice soft skills in a work setting putting their Work Readiness Skills to the test. These experiences also allow students to experience different vocations identified in Job Exploration Counseling.
Trainings focus on: volunteer opportunities, company tours, professional development days, mock interviews, informational interviews, job shadows, and internships.
Who is eligible for Pre-ETS?
Any student between the ages of 14-21 (up until their 22nd birthdate) with a documented disability, who is enrolled in high school or post-secondary education.
What documents are needed to participate in Pre-ETS?
- Completed referral form
- Copy of your IEP or 504
- Click here to email the documentation to our team.

Corey Grant – click to email
Chief of Workforce Initiatives
Phone: 339-666-4067