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Fullsteam Ahead – Another Great Year at Triangle, Inc.

Published by Coleman Nee on

With the close of another fiscal year approaching, this is a quick note to ask for your support of Triangle, Inc. and the more than 2,000 people with disabilities we serve each year. Your investment in Triangle will allow us to maintain our spirit of innovation, community collaborations, and best-in-class person-centered programming.

The last year has seen some truly remarkable developments for our organization. Each of our departments and programs have accomplishments to celebrate.

  • Triangle’s Workforce Development Department continues to be a leader inPre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). In 2022-23, we served 214 high school students with disabilities in partnership with 24 school districts and higher education programs – a Triangle record 2,075 hours of training in total.
  • The Prism Program serving autistic young adults is thriving in its second year with 30 enrolled members, well ahead of our projected growth. Several members are now working in new jobs with the support received in the program, and another member successfully applied for an honors program at a local university!
  • Our organization-wide examination of intersectionality has continued over the past year, building on our goal of creating a more inclusive culture for all members of the Triangle community. Triangle expanded employee-led Racial Equity and Disability Justice initiatives by holding monthly all-staff Racial Equity dialogs, developing a soon-to-be implemented curriculum for our program participants, and, in the year ahead, fully revamping the organization’s disability inclusion and ableism trainings for new and existing Triangle team members.
  • Just last week, we were excited to unveil our newest program: Triangle Abuse Prevention & Safety. Two longtime IMPACT:Ability specialists have joined Triangle to provide evidence-based abuse prevention classes to local schools and service providers. This new program will have an exclusive focus on the disability community and will build new partnerships with schools and service providers to empower people with disabilities to live safe and empowered lives as they pursue their personal and professional goals.
  • Our Salem program continues to grow by leaps and bounds in our expanded space. Opened in early 2020 just ahead of the onset of the pandemic, Triangle doubled its program capacity on the North Shore with an office that provides adult day programs, expanded workforce development services, and a testing center that provides an array of professional accreditation and academic competency exams to test takers of all abilities.

And this is just a selection of the exciting new developments at Triangle made possible by the support of our donors. We are well on our way to meeting our five-year goal of expanding our impact by 50% – an additional 1,000 people each year. But we need your support to keep this positive momentum going. Please click here to make an online donation today.

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