Thank You to Mayor Driscoll

Published by Yuki Cheung on

Triangle would like to thank Mayor Kim Driscoll of Salem for joining participants from our Salem, Malden, and Randolph day programs for a question-and-answer forum on Wednesday, February 2nd. As the pandemic has continued, this is an example of how Triangle staff members and program participants have been staying connected and involved with their communities.

Mayor Driscoll has been a long-time supporter of Triangle’s program in Salem, which moved to a new location in Shetland Park early in 2020. She was the recipient of Triangle’s 2020 Public Servant of the Year award in recognition of her support of the organization and people with disabilities.

Over Zoom, Triangle program participants were able to ask questions to Mayor Driscoll about her work and about her plans for the future, including her recently announced campaign for lieutenant governor of the Commonwealth. As Mayor of Salem, Mayor Driscoll is most proud of “being a city that looks to get better and never stood still. We have a culture here of continuous learning and always trying to accelerate whatever we are doing and doing it better.” When speaking about her campaign for lieutenant governor, she expressed her hope to be a voice for all cities and towns in Massachusetts. As a closing remark, Mayor Driscoll said she is grateful to have Triangle as a partner in the community and proud of everyone in the community.

Triangle is so appreciative that the Mayor could make some time to join us – it made for a special opportunity to learn about local government for more than 40 individuals on the call.

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