Announcing Triangle’s 50th Anniversary Legacy Fund

Published by Kassi Soulard on

50th Anniversary Logo

Triangle turns 50 in 2021!  That is more than 18,000 days that Triangle’s dedicated staff members have provided supportive programs to the Massachusetts disability community. We couldn’t fulfill our mission without the ongoing support of the local businesses, public officials from all levels of the government, and community partners. In the coming months, we will be celebrating the larger Triangle community with special looks back via photos, clips, and reflections. Stay tuned for more as we celebrate this milestone birthday!

To commemorate this special occasion, Triangle has established a new 50th Anniversary Legacy Fund that will help support the needs of the organization in the coming decades. The Legacy Fund will provide seed-funding for new programs for the autistic and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) community, one of the fastest growing, yet underserved groups of people with disabilities in the Commonwealth. Donations to the Fund will also raise capital for our new administrative headquarters and flagship service site at 450 Broadway Street in Malden. This site is slated to open during the fourth quarter of 2021 after an extensive renovation that will make the space accessible and welcoming to all members of the Triangle community.

To make a gift to the 50th Anniversary Legacy Fund, please click here. To learn more about our 2021 events, Triangle’s Annual Golf Classic and the 50th Anniversary Celebration, please visit our events page here.

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