You Can Help Triangle’s Residences Stay Stocked on Supplies!

Update 4/23/2020 – The products listed in bold are our current greatest needs.
While many people are working from home and avoiding going out during these uncertain times, our residential direct care staff have continued to show up and support our residents. They are still taking care of Triangle’s individuals, and finding ways to keep everyone active and productive while staying home every day. All our residences are well-stocked with supplies and prepared for the days ahead, but with our homes working around the clock and some grocery stores running low on basic necessities; we need help with our long-term needs.
If you have ample supplies at home or come across any of the following supplies, please consider donating them to our houses.
Gift Cards to Grocery Stores
Lysol Products
Lysol Wipes
Non-Latex Gloves (all sizes)
Medical Gowns
Hand Sanitizer
New Board Games
Arts and Crafts
Audio Books
Donations can be dropped off Monday through Friday from 10 am to 2 pm at our Pearl Street location at:
Triangle, Inc. 420 Pearl Street
Malden, MA 02148