An Update on Our Workforce Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Published by Coleman Nee on

A statement from Triangle CEO Coleman Nee regarding employee pay during Day Programming suspension.

As Triangle navigates these uncertain times, the health and well-being of our staff members, their families, and our participants remains our priority. As part of suspending or altering programming last week, our leadership team made the decision to provide pay to all Triangle staff members.

ALL Triangle employees are being paid as they would under normal working circumstances, without any deductions of paid personal leave or sick. This decision was necessary once we suspended Day Programs and the complexity of the situation necessitated quick responses.

As of today, Thursday, March 19, 2020, Triangle has no presumptive or confirmed cases of COVID-19 among staff members or participants. We have a few staff members who are self-isolating for 14 days as an extra precaution due to potential exposure in the past week. We have been in daily contact with these individuals who all remain symptom-free and have not tested positive for COVID-19.

Our HR team has also been sure to understand each staff members’ unique personal needs, especially in instances where childcare or care for an elder family member are added responsibilities. We are also making sure that all individual staff members who have preexisting medical conditions or are immunocompromised will be able to work remotely without further exposure.

Many of our staff members are able to continue their work from home and have been modifying their lessons and delivering programming to individuals through video conferences or phone calls. 

We are incredibly grateful for the commitment to our participants that so many of staff members have shown over the past several days. We have received an overwhelming amount of support and for that we are most thankful. 

Categories: COVID-19

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