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Turning 22 – What’s next?

Published by Corey Grant on

Triangle, Inc.’s Transition Services programs provide challenge, support and opportunity to high school aged youth through adulthood. Unlike much of the postgraduate support provided by public schools, we are able to provide skills and supports for youth to better prepare them for employment and life while they are still in high school, and post-22.

Our varied Transition Services offer career exploration, resume building, goal setting and job coaching, to name a few. We focus on community integration and inclusion through volunteer opportunities, internships and competitive employment placements. Our team of passionate and dedication specialists have proven that the earlier they can begin working with students to gain experience and confidence, the easier it becomes to transition from high school to adulthood.

Let’s take a look at what the process can look like:

Our staff work 1:1 during the intake process to identify short-term and long-term goals. We believe in meeting people where they are at and maximizing strengths while at the same time practicing soft skills necessary for a successful career no matter what their desired career field may be. Many of these skills are taught in the community at places such as internship sites, job fairs or professional networking and mock interview events facilitated by Triangle, Inc. in collaboration with corporate partners in and around Boston. When someone is ready for employment, our staff not only assists them in finding a job, but also helps them through the interview process, orientation with the option to continue on-site services if needed. Triangle, Inc. is committed to making sure individuals don’t just find jobs but secure careers that they are successful in long term with the opportunity for advancement and growth.

Last year, Triangle, Inc.’s Transition Services program worked with the Chelsea, Winthrop and Saugus school systems providing all of the above mentioned support to their students.

Four of those students are now in competitive jobs before ever leaving high school, setting them up for a successful future upon leaving the familiar and comfortable school system in which they are currently enrolled. A young man in our program, who has now been successfully employed for months, once felt uncertain about his future beyond high school. He was connected with us and began attending programming three times a week in additional to 1:1 supports. This young man is now taking both the MBTA bus and subway system independently to and from work on a daily basis and is earning a pay check each and every week. Independent travel and employment once seemed impossible and is now a wonderful reality. As the school year begins, Triangle, Inc. eagerly awaits the opportunity to support more individuals seeking support to guide them on their path to independence and dignity; from school to adulthood.

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