Five-Year Strategic Growth Plan
Triangle, Inc. needs your investment in our programs as we undertake an exciting five-year strategic growth plan that will see us expand our impact by serving an additional 1,000 individuals with disabilities by 2027. This playbook was developed following an evaluation of our programs, an analysis of the current service provider landscape, and a forecast for the emerging needs of the disability community. This rigorous process was undertaken by our friends at Community Action Partners and engaged more than 40 people at Triangle and the larger human services fields. The resulting plan is built upon Triangle’s spirit of innovation and its core tenants of community inclusion, employment, empowerment, and independence as we shape pathways to success for each individual who we serve across all our programs.
Day Programs & Supported Employment Services

- Continue to focus on innovation in providing community-based day services and supported employment opportunities
- Rapid expansion of our North Shore regional program based in Salem
- Grow our School-to-Career program offerings across all Day Program sites
- Nurture the new Prism Program for autistic young adults while eying potential expansion to other regions
Residential Services

- Invest in our dedicated direct care staff through enhanced professional development and training programs
- Expand from our nine current homes by adding three new homes that can serve the needs of incoming referrals
- Meet the acute needs of our current residents, many of whom have lived in Triangle homes for decades, as they age into retirement
Workforce Development

- Leverage the organization’s status as an innovative thought leader as we continue to increase the number of people with disabilities being provided with best-in-class career services
- Instill the expectation and dignity of work in students by expanding relationships and developing projects with local schools
- Develop new pathways for credential training programs that will help both students and adults enter careers in growth industries
EPIC (Empowering People for Inclusive Communities)

- Enhance the EPIC Service Warrior program, New England’s only service-learning and leadership development program for youth with disabilities
- Develop new school-based youth service models that will provide self-advocacy trainings to students and build a pipeline to the Service Warrior program
- Expand ableism and inclusive workplace trainings through diversity, equity, and inclusion programs within local corporations, community organizations, and higher education