School Satisfaction Survey Please take a moment to complete our anonymous survey to rate your overall satisfaction with Triangle, Inc’s. Pre-ETS services. This will be helpful in providing the best possible service to you and to our communities. School Name: Person Completing Survey: Optional - please leave blank if you'd like to submit feedback anonymously.Triangle Employment Specialist (Instructor) Name: What components(s) did your class participate in? Pre-ETS Overall Satisfaction with ProgrammingPlease read the following statements and mark the most appropriate response.Before the program started, a Triangle leadership staff reviewed the process and offered support to you and explained the program. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeLeadership staff from Triangle offered training and support to implement the Pre-ETS model. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeA Triangle leadership staff helped to build quality programming for your school. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeThe services provided by a Triangle leadership staff have met your standards. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeFeedback Regarding Triangle StaffPlease use the following rating scale to give us feedback regarding your Employment Specialist (instructor).Triangle staff related well to all involved in the class (teachers, students, aids etc.). 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeTriangle staff adhered to your policies and procedures and asked questions if something was unclear. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeTriangle staff maintained appropriate attendance and was punctual. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeTriangle staff was motivated and showed enthusiasm about their job and their assignment. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeTriangle staff made any necessary accommodations to enable the students to be independent within the program. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeTriangle staff quality of work meets your standards. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeAdditional comments: Triangle Inc. Staff Response and Follow-UpTriangle staff responded to your questions and concerns in a timely manner. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeTriangle staff has been courteous and professional when interacting with the school. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeThe communication between the school and Triangle has been open, honest and positive. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeI am interested in working with Triangle again to receive Pre-ETS. 5 - Completely agree4 - Agree3 - Neutral2 - Disagree1 - Completely disagreeAre there additional trainings, subject matter, soft skills etc. that would benefit your students? If so, Triangle will consider implementing them into our curriculum in the future. EmailSubmit