Prism Program

Triangle’s Prism Program offers a wide variety of employment, independent living, peer connections, and social skills programs for autistic young adults. It features customized and flexible services that meet each person’s unique advancement goals with their input helping to shape daily services.
The Prism Program currently has 20 enrolled members and will gradually expand to up to as many as 48 members in the future subject to future demand for the program, level of program utilization by current members, and Triangle’s ability to add staff members. The Prism Program service site is located in downtown Malden and serves individuals from Metro North, North Shore, and East Middlesex area communities as defined by the Department of Developmental Services. More information on which specific communities are included in these areas, visit the DDS website.
Who is served by the Prism Program?
This program provides services to neurodivergent transition-aged adults (22 years old and up). This program does not operate as a traditional day service site – it offers flexible, engaging, and innovative services that allow for increased engagement and participation for each member of the program as we shape daily and weekly programming together.
When does programming take place?
The Prism Program offers sessions during traditional workday hours, as well as nights and weekends. We understand that many members of the program will be employed or enrolled in post-secondary education programs – we hope that the Prism Program site in downtown Malden will be viewed as a place where individuals can not only attend skill-building sessions with their peers, but also study, relax, and socialize when they are not working or attending classes. This allows for increased social opportunities, recreational activities, and one-on-one and group sessions to support employment/professional growth, as well as support for those pursuing collegiate or post-secondary education pathways.
How does the program support autistic individuals?
Prism Program members will be asked to take an active role in shaping their programming and to provide ongoing feedback to alter or enhance services in real time. This program supports members with personal and professional growth through a combination of one-to-one and group learning sessions on topics that fit their respective individualized plans such as employment, independent living skills, and social opportunities. More specifically, the program focuses on various need/support areas for growth, such as self-adjustment skills, career education (employment and collegiate pathways), social interactions, and self-determination. It is also a truly judgement-free zone, where ideas are valued as staff members work in conjunction with members to meet their needs and desired outcomes with their programming.
When did the Prism Program launch and where does it operate?
The program launched in March 2022 at Triangle’s newly renovated Main Street site in Malden, and is currently taking referrals from DDS service coordinators. The program will continue to enroll new members throughout the year and will have a maximum capacity of 32 individuals once the program is fully operationalized. The Prism Program service site is located in downtown Malden and serves individuals from Metro North, North Shore, and East Middlesex area communities as defined by the Department of Developmental Services. More information on which specific communities are included in these areas, visit the DDS website.
For more information, including ways you or a loved one can explore joining the program, please contact:
Travis Dion, Director of Autism Services
493 Main Street
Malden, MA 02148
Phone: 339-224-4560
Click here to email
Click here to learn more about Travis!