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Triangle Planned Giving Society

Leaving a legacy that will empower members of the Triangle community in the years ahead

By donating to Triangle, Inc.’s Planned Giving Society, you’ll be joining the ranks of our most loyal and generous individual donors. The impact of your planned gift will be felt across the Triangle, Inc. community for years to come. It will provide innovative, community-based programs and services to even more people with disabilities in the future. As a legacy donor, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re making a lasting difference for people with ability for years to come!

Bequests are the most common type of planned gifts. Anyone can make a bequest to a nonprofit through their will, estate plan, or living trust. Bequests cost nothing during a donor’s lifetime. They can be included in a new will or added to an existing will or living trust through a simple amendment called a codicil (which often does not even require hiring a lawyer). Charitable bequests usually fall into three categories:

  • Specific Amount: A donor can choose to allocate an exact amount of funds to be given to an organization.
  • Remainder: A donor can choose for a nonprofit to receive any money left after all other bequests are paid out.
  • Percentage: A donor can choose to gift an organization a set percentage of total wealth.

Click here to see sample bequest language, as well as additional information about other types of planned gifts.

If you would like to include a bequest for Triangle, Inc. in your estate plan, please contact us so we may be able to assist you with any documentation needs and to better understand the legacy you’d like to leave through your generous donation. If you have already included Triangle, Inc. as part of your planned giving, we’d love to hear from you so that we can ensure we can maximize your bequest to empower future generations of Triangle program participants, clients, and residents.

This information is provided to assist in developing your charitable gift and estate plans in consultation with your attorney, accountant, and/or other advisors. The information contained here is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or financial advice on any matter. We encourage you to seek the advice of an attorney and/or a financial planner who can advise you on how to protect both current and future financial needs.

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